4 Reasons Your Thermostat Isn’t Reaching the Set Temperature

A thermostat not reaching the desired temperature may sound like a minor problem on paper, but it can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable when it happens. There are many possible reasons why a thermostat fails to perform properly. One of the leading home heating companies in the area discusses four of the most common ones in this post.


The size of the thermostat is incorrect. If your thermostat is having a difficult time reaching the set temperature, it may be too small for your home or not designed to cover the square footage of a specific area. If you believe this is the case, get the correct model that suits the size of your living space.

The thermostat is broken. Is your programmable thermostat showing the set temperature on the screen but not actually reaching it? If so, your thermostat may be broken. To fix this problem, try cleaning the inside of it. If you’re still having trouble after cleaning, you may want to recalibrate your sensor. Since the recalibration method depends on the type of thermostat you have, it’s best to contact your local air conditioning company for help.

The thermostat is frozen. When the display on your thermostat freezes and stops sending the data that you need to the screen, rebooting the thermostat is a smart idea. Switch it off for several seconds then turn it back on to see what happens.

The fan is dysfunctional. The fan and furnace may also be the reason why your thermostat isn’t functioning well. To resolve this, switch the furnace off, wait for two minutes, then turn the fan off. If this isn’t carried out, the fan will keep blowing cold air, breaking the balance of your thermostat.

Stone Heating and Air is one of the premier HVAC companies in Central Point, OR. Our certified technicians offer a wide range of top-notch services, including smart thermostat installation, air conditioner replacement, furnace repair and more. Call us at (541) 313-5984 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.


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